① 在确保充满电的状态下,推开主机上滑盖,按键板指示灯为红色。② 按遥控器或设备上的开机键开机,设备上的指示灯变成蓝色,设备会按默认的程序开机,进入Windows10。③ 按一下遥控器上的关机键,画面提示关机选择,点确认后关机,指示灯变为红色,合设备
① Move the device to a suitable distance from the projection screen, and adjust the focal length of the device optical machine according to the following method. When adjusting, the adjustment icon will appear until the projection screen is clear.
② Press the focal length adjustment + button or the focal length adjustment - button on the remote control to adjust the focal length of the optical engine cyclically.
③ Press the focus adjustment up key or the focus down key on the host key board to continuously adjust the focal length of the optical machine.